Monday, November 29, 2010

All the major character, fractions and forces from Series 01


Raven Stray, Aki Keegan Darkwood, Sekou Corse, Mundo Ojo, Elfe Chaohu, Johann Leopard Highwind, Alyria Leroux

Raven Syndicate
Wolf, Hare, Hawk

Almagar Empire:
Emperor Almagar, Raynor Gustav Vamo, Jgeorh Lightbane (Playable), Professor Brook, Judge Weiss

Zoda Empire:
Emperor Zoda, Schwars, MInazuki, Mamu, General Glevasem

Mahsaana Kingdom:
Duke Mahsaana


Desert Crow: Raven Stray's operation hideout, a delivery truck

Fero: Aki's hometown destroyed in the begin of the story, a forest town

Midlam: Located in the grassland... Zoda's territory.... Known of their battle schools and training center for travelers

Ora City: A commercial City known as the "City which you would never sleeps"... Corruptions lies beneath its wealth and prosperity.

Zoda City: A great headquarter which is built for battle... Well secured by their finest solider, center of where Zoda unleashes their attack against Almagar.

Meso Babilla: Capital of Almagar, a natural fortified Military base... Located on the top of a mountain range (Mt Sirrush)

Mt Sirrush: Mountain Range well known of 7 peaks, and with Meso Babilla located on peak of the tallest, located in the center

Belus: City located on the bottom of the Mt Sirrush, surrounded by Almagar imperial soliders and air crafts, known as the "City that dominates the Heaven"... This is where Johann and Raven met and talk for the first time.

Garuda- Johann's Airship... The Purest of Corruption

Xrego- Sekou's home town... In the border of Zoda (Un-visitable until later of the story) Can only be navigated by Air ship.... Extremely poor condition of life... People collect minerals for living...

Port Harbour Saro- Mundo's hometown... A world trade business city which is un occupied by both Almagar and Zoda... Able to rule of independency due to their rich natural resource... But soon which change as Raynor's ambition arises....

Ancient Woods- Mysterious Forest of maze, to the Summoner's village (Terra)

Terra- Village of Summoners, Elfe's homeland... Where all the legendary guardian lives.. Even after they perishes... They protect the Animacite from being misuses by turning themselves into Guardians so the traditional Summoner exists... By calling forth their power when needed.

Ruins of Valefor: Jgeorh's hometown... Destroyed over 10 years ago and this is where Jgeorh's Ultimate Weapon by defeating terrifying "Hydra"

Tizarar Subterranean- A mysterious cave located in the North of the world, Brimstone area... Deep within the cave was guarded by dangerous and Deadly Bio tech weapon which block the exit to the mysterious city Utopilious

Utopilious- Hometown of Alyria, Ancient civilization with advanced magic and technologies. Guarding the forbidden Animacite Tomb.... the people of this village rarely see the outside world.  

Animacite Tomb- Where the legendary Animacite stone sealed, where the battle of Raven against Raynor occurs... While Zoda and Almagar will have a skirmish taking place above the village, Raynor will obtained the Aminacite and slewed the Zoda, Almagar Emperor

DREADNAUGHT ARCTURUS- After the event of Animacite activated... Nova Pegasus is destroyed by the Tera star. Raven and the rest of her party have to travel way to the Almagar empire to take the ship so that they could uses it to reach Nere Star.

Tera Star- Mechanic Flying Orb in the ocean surface serves as the FInal Dungeon, where Raynor extracted the Animacite and begun to gather his power to dominate the world as head quarter.

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