Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Some of my own thought

Being lazy to post recently
But I decided to do a bit of happening recently.

As what happened recently, I have to say: Always cherishes the moment that you cherishes... If you don't there might not be a chance in the future: As what I've learnt from the Japan earthquake

Monday, March 14, 2011

Plot from series 0-3

SERIES 0- A giant meteor descended from the outer space and landed on the planet ( ), found herself a suitable planet, engulfing the world into silence and darkness so she could residence herself within as a new home. With her influence of power, she preyed on the residence of the planet and mutated beasts and living organism into fearsome monsters. Before she could infect the living organisms with her parasitic powers, she has to process a living creature with mass darkness since she is a living spirit like entity.

However, her reign was short lived as the shining stars arises, as the protector of the world, the five goddess came from five directions over the world has banded together and overpowered her. Together, they were able to overwhelm her and driven her out of her host's body and sealed her inside a Gateway of Eternity. To prevent her return, the five goddesses sacrificed themselves and used all their powers to seal her in eternal nothingness so the world wouldn't be enveloped by darkness again.

3000 years after, a malevolent hierophant called Lagonith appeared. He is driven to insanity of a magical experience of his fear of losing his families in his vision he witnessed, and his fear of his killed his family in progress. With this darkness harbors him, he tend to relieve his cared one by being in contract with darkness. And finally, her demonic's voice is being able to conduct him, manipulate him to destroys the 5 crystals to the Gateway to eternity. To open the gateway for her own release and once again to engulf the world into never-ending darkness. This fearsome entity is called the "Oscuridad Nuova"

As darkness exists, there always light... But where would this radiance of light comes from? 

SERIES 01 consist of the Anima, a legendary wizard once sealed by the guardian of the planet and Animacite- The malicious stone was created with Anima''s hatred and anger contained within. 1000 years after, the world is in a state of conflict between the Zoda and Alamgar Empire. Professor Brook researched the histories of Animacite and created a biological human clone which is able to fuse and morph himself with this element of the cursed stone, genetic creation using the remaining of the deceased military genius Raynor Gstav Vamo to access his own plan to cause a mass of wars between the two opposing forces and retrieve the Animacite for his own ambition. The protagonist Raven Stray, a self employed mercenary fights with her own comrades against the forces of the two fraction as to cross path with her own past, and given meaning of cherishing the bond between believing in people. And determined to stop the conflicts between the two forces and fight to defeat the power- hungry Clone Raynor.

SERIES 2 takes place in a world called Neith with the protagonist Marte Marino, a warrior who set forth to train to achieve mastery of his swordsmanship. As his journey goes on, he realized that he is the only son of the great general Bernardino Godiva from the great Palacephant Empire (Once a benevolent Empire but now became a power hungry, ruthless oppressor) and set forth to revenge of his deceased father, his battle with the Empire goes on. It is also later revealed that Ailesh Palacephant, the present Emperor of Palacephant, is in aligned with darkness uses immense sorcery and magical power by absorb and massacred the entire race of elves, for his own goal for his quest of power by subjecting the opposing fractions in progress without much of obstacle standing his way. Marte later would band himself with "Dove" the benign terrorist group resist against the Empire of Palacephant. And Marte and his comrade would have to be resisting numbers of immense sorcery powered Palacephant during his quest against Ailesh.

In SERIES 3 the conflict between political and religion, as science and magic. Luciel, who once was a faithful and known as the legendary "Exorcist" whom was a loyal and undefeated crusader of the Church of the Holy Order, but was driven into madness by betrayal between conflicts and seeks to uses the Pandora Box to merge the entire universe into one and create a Recreation of the world by destroying it. Nuit Ashamoth, once a pawn of Secret Society called- Witness of the Re-genesis Organization has redeemed from his own dark past and becomes the Exorcist Knight to become a vigilante monster hunter. And realizing that he was the Right handed man of the "God", "Angel of Salvation". And must face against Luciel, the former "Angel of Salvation" which who is fated to become the "Angel of Calamity" or "Messiah of Eternal Silence" awakening the rift of void, tend to hasten the end of the world, to create a new dimension which is not part of the universe isolated from Heaven and Hell to his own utopia. As to overcome his own dark past and to settle the score with Luciel, Nuit also has to face against the United Colonies Of Legatos and the Witness of the Re-Genesis Organization with his allies. And the dualism between Nuit and the ridiculously powerful Luciel shall determine the re- creation of the entire universe in a decisive battle .

Sunday, February 6, 2011

World name of forgotten testimony

World name of forgotten testimony

Grandilla- Series Alpha

Vesicula- Series 01- (Raven Stray and Aki)

Neith and Netherworld- Series 2 (Marte and Ailesh)

Celestia- Series 3 (World of Nuit and Luciel)
Mana- Series Versailla (Vicktor and Philemon) 

Anastasia- Series 15

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Forgotten Testimony 02

In SERIES 2 takes place in a world called Neith with the protagonist Marte Marino, a warrior who set forth to train to achieve mastery of his swordsmanship. As his journey goes on, he realized that he is the only son of the great general Bernardino Godiva from the great Palacephant Empire (Once a benevolent Empire but now became a power hungry, ruthless oppressor) and set forth to revenge of his deceased father, his battle with the Empire goes on. It is also later revealed that Ailesh Palacephant, the present Emperor of Palacephant, is in aligned with darkness uses immense sorcery and magical power by absorb and massacred the entire race of elves, for his own goal for his quest of power by subjecting the opposing fractions in progress without much of obstacle standing his way. Marte later would band himself with "Dove" the benign terrorist group resist against the Empire of Palacephant. And Marte and his comrade would have to be resisting numbers of immense sorcery powered Palacephant during his quest against Ailesh.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Dear everyone

I will be register another page like a wiki styled page so I could be upload more characters concepts and such, and stories...
Please notify me if you have any of a good prospects.

By the way, I will be working on poster art with full color and concept art of Raven Stray by the end of this week, please stay tuned.

All the major character, fractions and forces from Series 01


Raven Stray, Aki Keegan Darkwood, Sekou Corse, Mundo Ojo, Elfe Chaohu, Johann Leopard Highwind, Alyria Leroux

Raven Syndicate
Wolf, Hare, Hawk

Almagar Empire:
Emperor Almagar, Raynor Gustav Vamo, Jgeorh Lightbane (Playable), Professor Brook, Judge Weiss

Zoda Empire:
Emperor Zoda, Schwars, MInazuki, Mamu, General Glevasem

Mahsaana Kingdom:
Duke Mahsaana


Desert Crow: Raven Stray's operation hideout, a delivery truck

Fero: Aki's hometown destroyed in the begin of the story, a forest town

Midlam: Located in the grassland... Zoda's territory.... Known of their battle schools and training center for travelers

Ora City: A commercial City known as the "City which you would never sleeps"... Corruptions lies beneath its wealth and prosperity.

Zoda City: A great headquarter which is built for battle... Well secured by their finest solider, center of where Zoda unleashes their attack against Almagar.

Meso Babilla: Capital of Almagar, a natural fortified Military base... Located on the top of a mountain range (Mt Sirrush)

Mt Sirrush: Mountain Range well known of 7 peaks, and with Meso Babilla located on peak of the tallest, located in the center

Belus: City located on the bottom of the Mt Sirrush, surrounded by Almagar imperial soliders and air crafts, known as the "City that dominates the Heaven"... This is where Johann and Raven met and talk for the first time.

Garuda- Johann's Airship... The Purest of Corruption

Xrego- Sekou's home town... In the border of Zoda (Un-visitable until later of the story) Can only be navigated by Air ship.... Extremely poor condition of life... People collect minerals for living...

Port Harbour Saro- Mundo's hometown... A world trade business city which is un occupied by both Almagar and Zoda... Able to rule of independency due to their rich natural resource... But soon which change as Raynor's ambition arises....

Ancient Woods- Mysterious Forest of maze, to the Summoner's village (Terra)

Terra- Village of Summoners, Elfe's homeland... Where all the legendary guardian lives.. Even after they perishes... They protect the Animacite from being misuses by turning themselves into Guardians so the traditional Summoner exists... By calling forth their power when needed.

Ruins of Valefor: Jgeorh's hometown... Destroyed over 10 years ago and this is where Jgeorh's Ultimate Weapon by defeating terrifying "Hydra"

Tizarar Subterranean- A mysterious cave located in the North of the world, Brimstone area... Deep within the cave was guarded by dangerous and Deadly Bio tech weapon which block the exit to the mysterious city Utopilious

Utopilious- Hometown of Alyria, Ancient civilization with advanced magic and technologies. Guarding the forbidden Animacite Tomb.... the people of this village rarely see the outside world.  

Animacite Tomb- Where the legendary Animacite stone sealed, where the battle of Raven against Raynor occurs... While Zoda and Almagar will have a skirmish taking place above the village, Raynor will obtained the Aminacite and slewed the Zoda, Almagar Emperor

DREADNAUGHT ARCTURUS- After the event of Animacite activated... Nova Pegasus is destroyed by the Tera star. Raven and the rest of her party have to travel way to the Almagar empire to take the ship so that they could uses it to reach Nere Star.

Tera Star- Mechanic Flying Orb in the ocean surface serves as the FInal Dungeon, where Raynor extracted the Animacite and begun to gather his power to dominate the world as head quarter.

Forgotten Testimony 01


Consist of the Animagous, a legendary wizard once sealed by the guardian of the planet and Animacite- The malicious stone was created with Animagous's hatred and anger contained within. 1000 years after, the world is in a state of conflict between the Zoda and Alamgar Empire. Professor Brook researched the histories of Animacite and created a biological human clone which is able to fuse and morph himself with this element of the cursed stone, genetic creation using the remaining of the deceased military genius Raynor Gstav Vamo to access his own plan to cause a mass of wars between the two opposing forces and retrieve the Animacite for his own ambition. The protagonist Raven Stray, a self employed mercenary fights with her own comrades against the forces of the two fraction as to cross path with her own past, and given meaning of cherishing the bond between believing in people. And determined to stop the conflicts between the two forces and fight to defeat the power- hungry Clone Raynor.